Incident happened on 18/01/2019 at 12:00AM

at The Terraces,13th Floor,34 Bree Street,Cape Town, South Africa, Cape Town, Western Cape (-33.918660 18.420420)


I was forced to resign from my job, effective immediately, due to sexual harassment, sexual assault, emotional & verbal abuse and bullying.

I was forced to run away from my job because I needed to escape a toxic, unhealthy environment for my own mental and physical health.

My experience at Digi Outbound / Dialect:


I have worked at three other companies before this position and have never experienced the level of unprofessionalism, abuse, bullying and harassment as I have here.

We were often told that the behaviour and culture exists as it is “ ….because it’s good for the business”, but I came to the realization that the environment was no longer good FOR ME. I was desperate to escape for my own mental sanity.

What saddens me the most is that I am not the only woman who worked at this company to have experienced this level of trauma inside the walls of Digi Outbound.

There has been a handful of us who has been forced to see doctors/ psychologists/ psychiatrists and be prescribed medication to simply help us cope with the horrific experiences within this company.

In my own personal experience; I have had to deal with:

1. Being ogled daily by the male colleagues within the business.

2. Being touched inappropriately.

3. Women in the office having to experience the unwanted men of Digi Outbound press their penises against us - and then laughing about it.

4. I was told by a male employee of Digi Outbound that he wants to "rip off" my tights, throw my leg over the counter and "do me from behind".

5. I was told by a male employee of Digi Outbound (in a management position) that others need to exit the meeting room because he is going to "put his piel in my bek now".

6. I was told that my adopted father is a murderer and that he poisoned my biological father "so he can die because he wanted to naai my mother all the years".

7. I was constantly bullied and made fun of for my weight. Being a plus sized woman, they ridiculed me which led me into a deeper depression that resulted in further weight gain.

8. Myself (and other women) were constantly mocked over our personal appearances (our weight, our hair texture, who is "beautiful" and who is not).

I personally witnessed how these men from Digi Outbound stood together, zoomed in under another female employee's dress, took a picture under her skirt and made it the group's WhatsApp profile picture.

I was labelled (publically) as a "pork belly".

Who I am and everything that I stand for, as a strong woman of God - was completely destroyed inside the walls of Digi Outbound. My character was destroyed by vicious lies and constant gossip.

A simple case of character assassination.

The saddest part was that HR did little to nothing to help myself and a number of these women. Instead of addressing and fixing the issues we reported - we became the issue.

I, Lisa Koopman, became the issue at Digi Outbound, because of my constant complaints and reported matters.

These men then had me fearing my own physical safety because I became a target amongst them. It reached a point where some of the women began to target me too, because of the vicious lies and rumors THEY created to get me out.

Since October 2017 I have been fighting against a Culture within this company. A rape culture, to be exact.

I was ONLY ever taken seriously the day I resigned and the company found out I have lawyers. (From October 2017 to January 2019 I suffered inside of Digi Outbound).

I then made it my mission to BREAK and destroy this horrific and traumatic Culture.

The sad part is that during this whole process, the company seems to feel that it is certain individuals who are responsible for this behaviour, and they dismissed a select few. They have completely missed my argument in that the issue is the CULTURE that still exists to this day.

A culture cannot be destroyed by dismissing a number of people, giving a speech and then think the job is done.

Those select few that they decided to look into IS NOT " a culture".

It still exists to this very day (evidence on record), and even though I have not been inside those walls of horror since January 2019, it infuriates me that women STILL go through this at Digi Outbound.

During my fight back against them and hearing multiple other stories of similar events flood in, I was told that a few years ago another woman from Digi Outbound was at a social event. Somehow she passed out and was unclothed. A different group of men from Digi Outbound took pictures of her unconscious, unclothed body laying there. Laughed at her and ridiculed her. I was told that this woman decided to run away and resign too.

- Wherever this woman is, I urge you to reach out to me via Facebook as I would like to hear more of your story.

This is a slither of mine. How many more is there still to tell?

Today I have decided to speak out publically to have these matters and this culture addressed.


Someone needs to answer!

(They may be frantically running around now to "clean up"  -since they are aware of my position in fighting back and speaking out.

They may be trying their best to fix their mess NOW; but "now" is too late. You cannot fix / change the past.

What about me? What about all the women before me?

Those who have chosen to RATHER have no income and have the rest of their lives and families crumble before them -- than to work inside the walls of Digi Outbound.

I come forward to break the silence.

I need to know......why?

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